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Case Studies: Successful EV Charging Station Installations in Wayne County

Patrick Collins
Case Studies: Successful EV Charging Station Installations in Wayne County

Wayne County, known for its industrial and automotive history, has emerged as a leader in the electric vehicle (EV)

movement. The city has been proactive in installing EV Charging Stations, providing residents and visitors with a

convenient and affordable way to charge their vehicles. In this blog post, we will look at some real-life case studies of

successful EV charging station installations in Wayne County.

Case Study 1: Greenfield Village

Greenfield Village, a living history museum and a part of The Henry Ford, has a mission to educate visitors on

innovation and creativity. They made innovation part of their infrastructure by installing two EV charging stations in

their public parking area.

The charging stations are Level 2, offering a 240-volt charge, which can provide up to 25 miles of range per hour

of charging

Providing charging stations encourages visitors to come from farther away, as they know they can charge their EV

while visiting Greenfield Village

The charging stations make for a maximum usage of the parking spots, which is a brilliant way to enhance the

utilization rate of the parking lot

The charging stations were installed by the DTE Energy team, which used energy-efficient LED lighting for lighting of

the charging station, thus reducing electricity consumption even further. These stations were installed in 2016 and have

welcomed thousands of visitors since installation.

Case Study 2: Wayne County Community College District

The Wayne County Community College District (WCCCD) has a goal to be a leader in sustainable and environmental

initiatives. To that end, they installed EV charging stations on several of their campuses. The installation of the first

charging station was completed in September 2017 at the downtown campus.

They have installed Level 2 EV charging stations across several of their campuses, providing a total of nine

charging stations

The charging stations are strategically placed and aimed at cut fossil fuels use and to promote the use of electric

vehicles among students, faculty, and staff.

Four of the charging stations are dual-headed, accessible to all electric vehicles, while the remaining ones are

Tesla-specific charging stations.

These charging stations make WCCCD accessible to the EV community, which ensures the college's commitment to

sustainability while providing a useful amenity to their community. Additionally, it helps the college achieve its

environmental goals while assisting drivers in their efforts to save fuel and reduce air pollution.

Case Study 3: North Terminal Detroit Metropolitan Airport

In March 2019, Wayne County Department of Airports installed 24 new EV charging stations in its North Terminal

parking structure. The installation of EV charging stations at airports has been gaining popularity, and Wayne County

was quick to jump on this opportunity.

The charging stations have 36 kW DC fast chargers, which can provide up to 100 miles of range in less than 30


They are located in the preferred parking section of the North Terminal, making them convenient for EV users to

charge their vehicles while they are away

The equipment can handle two charging ports themselves so that multiple vehicles can be charged at once.

These charging stations become a rewarding amenity when individuals explore a city, as it not only benefits travelers,

but it also contributes significantly to lowering carbon emissions. In addition, the installations increase the reputation

of the Detroit Metropolitan Airport as a responsible and eco-friendly facility.

Key Takeaways

The case studies highlight the importance of providing EV charging infrastructure to meet the needs of EV drivers. By

increasing awareness of the need for EV infrastructure, Wayne County has welcomed a new era of automotive

innovation. Here are some key takeaways from these case studies:

Providing charging facilities encourages visitors to come from even farther away, which increases foot traffic to

attract new opportunities and innovators to Wayne County.

EV charging station installations come with the additional advantage of enhancing the utilization rate of the

parking lot, making EV charging stations a profitable amenity for sites wanting to attract visitors

Installing electric vehicle charging stations encourages and promotes the clean energy market, reduces carbon

footprint and increases the reputation of the business or the facility to stay environment-friendly.

Overall, Wayne County is doing an incredible job of encouraging EV adoption and providing residents and visitors with

a clean-energy experience. EV charging stations have proven to provide additional value to businesses and

communities, resulting in stronger reputations and an increase in visitors.

Patrick Collins
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