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DTF Printing Step-by-Step DTF process

DTF Printing Step-by-Step DTF process

DTF printing measures are as simple to fill in as their name implies - print on film and move straight onto texture. It's the ability to select virtually any texture that makes this interaction so appealing. DTF printing will work wonders with polyester, rayon, cotton, and silk.

1. Print on Film

Instead of the standard paper, embed the PET in the printer's plate. Print first the whole image in white on PET film. Then print the picture you need on the white image layer using the shade settings of the inkjet printer. Recall that the picture printed on the film needs to be an exact representation of the real image that will appear on texture.

Spread the Powder

This process involves the use of hot-liquefy dust on the film which has a picture printed on it. Powder should be evenly spread on the wet print and excess powder must be carefully removed. Important is to make sure that powder is spread evenly on the entire printed surface. This can be achieved by holding the film with its short edges in a position where its long edges correspond to the scene direction (floor) and pouring the powder through the film. With the film and powder in hand, gently twist the film so that it forms a slight "U" with the sunken part facing oneself. Presently, gently rock this film left to right to the extent that the dust will evenly and slowly spread over the entire outside of the film. You could also make use of robotized shakers, which are often used for business purposes.

Melt Powder

This is how the powder dissolves, as the name suggests. Ideally, this should be achieved in a slightly different manner. The most well-known method is to heat the Relieving Broiler with the film and apply the powder. Place the film into the warmth press if the restoring cooker isn't accessible. Make sure to bring the top edge of the press as close to the picture but not touch it. It is important to leave a hole of 4 to 7mm between the top plate and the film. A metal wire can be used to attach the press top so that it doesn't completely cover the film. This leaves a crucial hole. It is highly recommended to ignore the manufacturer's determination of powder softening for best results. Depending on the powder and equipment, warming generally takes 2 to 5 minutes with temperatures between 160 and 170 degrees Celsius.

Pre-pressing the Texture

Before moving the picture, the texture is compressed in the warm press. The texture remains in the press under heat and is squeezed for 2-5 seconds. This helps to de-humidify the texture, as well as smoothing the texture. The pre-squeezing allows for a smooth transfer of the image on the texture from the film.

Heat Exchange

This is the heart of DTF print. The PET film with the printed image and the powder is placed on the pre-squeezed texture using the warmth press to create a solid bond. The interaction is called relieving. The relieving procedure is performed at a temperature range of 160 to 170 degrees Celsius for 15 to 20 seconds. The film is currently solidly attached to texture.

Cold Strip

The film should be removed only after the texture has cooled to room temperature. Because the hot-liquefy is similar to amides and as it chills it acts as a folio, holding shaded ink colors with strands. Once the film has cooled, it can be stripped of its texture. The ink will then imprint the desired plan over the texture.

7. Post-squeezing

This is not a mandatory advance but it is recommended for better outcomes and faster boundaries, like washing and rubbing. In this process, the final texture with the moved pattern is squeezed into the warmth press for around 10 to 15 seconds.

Direct-to-film (DTF) measures remove all restrictions that are normally experienced with other material printing techniques, particularly when it comes to choosing the texture of the print. Generally speaking, the cost of printing is reduced resulting in higher revenue. DTF printing is a great choice!

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