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How Do I Grow My Used Transmission Business Online?

Helen Gomes
How Do I Grow My Used Transmission Business Online?

A huge trend in the past year, mainly due to the pandemic, has been a dramatic shift to online shopping in practically any industry. The automotive aftermarket industry is no exception to that. The online automotive parts sales business has escalated over the past few years as more and more offline retailers enter the online space. The McKinsey market survey forecasted that the industry would grow up to $513.1 billion by 2027. This growth would continue at a rate of 3% p.a. through to 2030.

All of this data means that there is no time like now to start your online auto parts business like the sale of used transmissions. However, the competition is huge and the battle for customers in the online used transmission sale business is persistent. You cannot merely jump headfirst into the used transmission sale and hope for the best.

To stay ahead of the game and become more successful, here are our seven tips on how you can grow your used transmission business online and increase your sales:

  • Differentiate Yourself

It is crucial to differentiate your business from your competitors in the market. You can do this by offering high-quality used transmissions with long-term warranties. You can also offer these parts at a nominal price. For example, you can offer used transmissions for sale under $500 with warranties from three to five years.

Do not forget to promote the importance of getting high-quality used transmission and specify the safety benefits it offers to the customers.

  • Offer a Price Match Guarantee

Do not forget that price is the #1 motivating factor for the consumers that tempts them to make a purchase. Offering a price match guarantee will reduce the odds of buyers leaving your site and looking for the best prices. This is because the price match guarantee that you offer makes the customers believe that they are getting the used transmissions at the best price in the market.

This is also one of the best ways to steal business from competitors who offer cheap used transmissions, but forget to promote them.

  • Make it convenient

Customers should find your used transmission sales service fitting for them. They will opt to buy from your online store only when you provide them with a smooth and hassle-free ordering and buying experience.

For this, you need to have a well-designed and attractive website with detailed catalog pages of the used transmissions that are available for sale. If you have an extensive inventory, give them filter options like “used transmission under $500” or “Used 700R4 Transmission”.

You can also have a customer care number on your website so that your customers can get help in finding the perfect used transmissions based on their requirements or clarify any doubts they have. 

  • Be flexible in customer service

To attract more potential buyers to your online store, you need to provide an attractive delivery and payment option. Give flexible payment options for the buyers. Also, give the possibility of offering used transmission for sale with free shipping or express delivery. You can also offer easy returns for the product.

  • Run promotion campaigns

When it comes to online used transmission sales, you need to focus on marketing services. Run promotions campaigns such as offering a free lift gate option with every used transmission that you sell. You can also include transmission fluid at a promotional price.

Apart from this, you can also set up a reward program for repeat buyers or for those who exceed a specific amount of sales.

  • Stay in Touch with Customers

One of the most important strategies to grow your used transmission business online is to build a solid customer base. Stay in touch with your existing customers or potential customers by sending them a monthly or weekly newsletter. You can send this to them through email or post.

You can also publish a blog that offers valuable information to the customers. For example, you can write on topics like common mistakes that can ruin the transmission, symptoms of a failed transmission, how to find the best-used transmission, and more. You can send such blog links to your customers or post them on your social media sites.

This will help create brand awareness and brand recall when customers are looking for used transmission online.


To sum up, various factors can help you grow your used transmission business online. However, the ultimate objective should always be 100% customer satisfaction and building long-term customer relationships. Finally, do not forget to invest some time and money into online marketing to make your business more successful.

Helen Gomes
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