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LLP Company Registration- Benefits, Checklist, Documents Required, and Process

Srishti Kapoor
LLP Company Registration- Benefits, Checklist, Documents Required, and Process

Searching for LLP registration service provider? You have arrived at the right place, click here to know everything about LLP registration. Get your LLP company registration from best company registration consultants now.

What is LLP Registration?

In India, Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) was established under the Limited Liability Partnership Act 2008 (which came into effect on 31st March 2009). An LLP is a type of partnership in which all or some partners have limited liabilities depending on the jurisdiction. Thus, it comprises the features of a corporation and partnership firm.

Consequently, LLP registration is the process of registering an LLP firm by fulfilling certain obligations. 

Moreover, LLP is unassociated with the limited partnership, yet, it carries out its operation like a limited partnership. But in an LLP company, the liability of each partner is limited (members/partners are liable to pay the debt of the company only to the extent of their capital contribution). 

Can a foreigner incorporate LLP? 

Under LLP Act 2008, foreign nationals which include Foreign Companies can incorporate LLP in India. However, for this, one partner should be a resident of India.

Benefits of LLP Incorporation

It provides pliability without imposing comprehensive legal and procedural requirements.

The existence of the company is not affected by the bankruptcy, death, etc of a partner.

Flexible transfer of ownership without any procedural delay.

LLP having capital below 25 lakh and annual turnover below 40 lakhs need not maintain a formal audit.

LLP being a juristic person has the authority to own and acquire the property.

It is organized and managed by the agreement.

Provides professional or technical expertise to the company.

Srishti Kapoor
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