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Training in Occupational Health and Safety: A Guide

Steven M

We are experts in Occupational Heath and Safety and Risk Management. Our WHS Safety Management Systems are easy to use, custom to your business, minimising risk to create a safer workplace.

We develop simple to use safety management plans (SMP) we then assist you to implement your new plan. These SMP are built specific to each project with our unique business solution. I performance guarantee, your new plan will meet your tender requirements for 6 months or we update for free. We will call you in 12 months after implementing your new SMP to see how you are going.

We take a consultative approach to corporate safety and environmental protection that enable you to satisfy your shareholders, your legal and corporate social responsibilities and your obligation to your employees and the environment. At Main & Associates we have a proactive and systematic approach that involves us assessing the health and safety risk to your organisation and then helping you to eliminate them. This structured approach to risk management provides clear checkpoints along the routes to compliance and allows for forward budgeting and continuous performance monitoring.

Steve Main has over 30 years experience working, Managing and Consulting to a wide range of industries, small, medium and large organisations. Tap into this knowledge and experience to optimise your business and achieve your goals. Our people have the knowledge, experience and thoroughness meaning that you can trust us to safeguard your entire business. We are a single source for all your Health and Safety management, Risk management, Occupational Hygiene, Equality advice, Fire Risk and Training. Health, Safety and Business risk can be managed efficiently and effectively by identifying the gaps in existing systems, developing and implementing proactive strategies, effective management controls and continually evaluating the effectiveness of these systems.

OH&S Risk Management & Consultancy

We deliver to our clients with expert advice offering innovative solutions tailored to all types of businesses. Our solutions are designed to ensure your business meets with all OH&S requirements.

OH& Consultancy

Our solutions are designed to ensure your business meets with all OH&S requirements and we will work conjunctively with you to build a safe and risk free work place environment. Policy development, Standard Operating Procedures Development, and Safe Systems Implementation. Risk Management is tailored to suit new and existing business systems.

Safety Management Plans

Create site and project specific Safety Management Plans in minutes, not hours. We create compliant safety management plans (SMP) to support your business meet compliance and tendering requirements.

Smart Doc is unique to Main & Associates, create site & project specific SMP plans in minutes.

For more information about Workplace Health And Safety Australia and OHS Management System and visit safesystem

Steven M
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