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What Should I Do if My Main Water Line is Frozen?

William Koonce
What Should I Do if My Main Water Line is Frozen?

During winters, one of the major problems homeowners experience is a frozen water line. A frozen main water line can cause significant damage, disrupt household chores, and can even pose health risks. It's important to take action immediately if you suspect your main water line is frozen. This article will provide you with a step-by-step guide on what to do if your main water line is frozen.

How to Identify a Frozen Main Water Line

The first step to fix a frozen water line is to identify it. Here are a few ways to identify if your main water line is frozen:

  • No water coming from the faucet or shower.

  • Visible frost on exposed pipes.

  • Banging or grinding sounds coming from the pipes when attempting to turn on the water.

  • Odd smell coming from the pipes.

  • Frost on the ground around the main shut-off valve.

If you notice any of these signs, it's best to take action immediately and try to thaw the frozen main water line.

What Not to Do When Your Main Water Line is Frozen

It's important to note that there are certain things you should avoid doing when trying to thaw a frozen main water line. Here are a few things to avoid:

  • Do not use a propane torch or any open flame device to thaw the pipes. This can be extremely dangerous and even lead to a fire.

  • Do not use hot water to try and thaw the pipes. This will only add to the problem and cause them to expand further.

  • Do not use an electrical device to thaw the pipes. This can be risky and lead to electrocution.

Steps to Thaw a Frozen Main Water Line

Here are a few steps to thaw a frozen main water line:

Step 1: Turn Off the Water Supply

The first step is to turn off the main water supply to prevent any more water from entering the system. This will prevent damage to the pipes and prevent possible basement flooding.

Step 2: Open the Faucets

Next, open all faucets in your home. This will release any pressure built up in the pipes, making it easier for them to thaw out. Leave the faucets open until the water starts flowing again.

Step 3: Apply Heat

There are a few ways to apply heat to a frozen main water line:

  • Use a hairdryer or heat gun: Hold the hairdryer or heat gun about 6 inches from the frozen section of the pipe and move it back and forth until it thaws.

  • Use a heating pad or electric blanket: Wrap the heating pad or blanket around the frozen section of the pipe and turn it on. Leave it there until the pipe thaws.

  • Use warm towels: Soak towels in warm water and then wrap them around the frozen section of the pipe. Keep replacing the towels until the pipe thaws.

  • Use a space heater: Place a space heater near the frozen pipes and aim it directly at them. Keep the heater on until the pipes thaw.

Step 4: Wait for the Water to Flow

After applying heat to the frozen pipes, wait for 30 minutes to an hour for the pipes to thaw. After that, turn on the main water supply and check to see if the water is flowing again.

Preventing a Frozen Main Water Line

It's important to take preventative measures to avoid a frozen main water line, especially during winters. Here are a few tips to prevent a frozen main water line:

  • Insulate pipes: Cover exposed pipes with insulation materials to keep them warm.

  • Seal air leaks: Seal any gaps or cracks in your walls or foundation to prevent cold air from entering your home.

  • Keep the heat on: Keep your home's temperature above 55°F to prevent the pipes from freezing.

  • Leave cabinets open: Open the cabinets under your sinks to allow warm air to reach the pipes.

  • Allow water to drip: Allow faucets to drip slightly to keep water flowing, which will prevent pipes from freezing.


A frozen main water line can be a major inconvenience and even damage your home if not addressed immediately. It's important to identify the issue and follow the proper steps to thaw the frozen pipes. Following proper preventative measures can also help avoid a frozen main water line altogether. Remember, if you're unsure about how to handle a frozen water line, it's best to call a professional plumber for assistance.

William Koonce
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