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Enacfire-Future Wireless Earbuds Review

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Enacfire-Future Wireless Earbuds Review

Wireless headphones have always been among the usual suspects of the most exquisite music lovers for their acoustic quality, but the evolution of Bluetooth technology, the popularization of models in terms of features and price and the comfort they provide have managed to win over the general public.

However, there are people who go a step further in their search for minimalism, that is, the reduction of the headphones to its minimum expression.

If you are looking for headphones with 18hs of autonomy, stereo sound with deep bass, 10 – 20 meters of Bluetooth range and elegant charging case, then you have to know the ENACFIRE Future!

Technical Characteristics of Enacfire Earbuds:

Bluetooth range: 10 – 20 meters.

A number of loads in the box without connecting to the network: 4 charges.

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