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New AWS Account Setup Checklist and Best Practices

Brian Burell
New AWS Account Setup Checklist and Best Practices

Setting up a new AWS account with out-of-the-box settings is an excellent start for your cloud journey. This guide identifies best practices when setting up a new AWS account or applied to an existing account.

Use a distribution/group email address to register for the account.

The email used to create the AWS account has complete control of all AWS resources. Consider creating an account with a group/distribution email address with all the people who should have root access.

If you have already registered for an account with an individual email, you can update the root user name with a distribution list.

Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) on Root Account

As a best practice, all root accounts should enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). Configure using a virtual MFA device like Microsoft or Google Authenticator.
You can take a screenshot of the QR code and save it in a secure location or as an attachment in your password manager.

Create a password policy

Customize your password policy that aligns with your organizational password policies. Ensure that

– Increase the password length to at least 14 characters
– Require at least one upper case alphabet, number, and a symbol
– Disallow password reuse and set the password reuse to 24.

Create IAM Users with Console Login

Avoid using the root account for day-to-day operations. Create IAM users with admin access for all administrative privileges. Assign users to groups rather than assigning permissions directly to the users. Enable Multi-Factor authentication uses for all console users.

To know more - https://katalysttech.com/blog/new-aws-account-setup-checklist-and-best-practices/

Brian Burell
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