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Kore: Bringing Transformation in Businesses through Advanced IoT Solutions

CIO Look
Kore: Bringing Transformation in Businesses through Advanced IoT Solutions

IoT applications continue to proliferate, as companies become increasingly aware of how this powerful technology can support growth through digital transformation. Fundamentally, the ability to connect increasingly intelligent devices of all types is enabling digital transformation to happen all the way to the ‘edge’ of the enterprise. IoT applications offer unprecedented opportunities to not only cut costs and increase efficiencies but also to revolutionize business models and introduce new, diversified revenue streams. KORE – a pioneer, leader, and trusted advisor in the deployment of IoT solutions – empowers organizations of all sizes to improve operational and business results.

End-to-End IoT Solutions

At KORE, the team supports and enables business transformations by reducing the technical and organizational complexity of implementing IoT solutions. The company’s knowledge and experience, global reach, purpose-built solutions, and agility are accelerating and impacting IoT and business outcomes in a number of industries including fleet and automotive, healthcare, manufacturing/industrial, logistics and supply chain, retail, financial services, and agriculture.

“KORE is a single-source provider, bringing together highly complex technologies and enabling streamlined, scalable IoT solutions.”

As an independent, expert IoT provider, KORE offers a unique perspective on the promise of IoT. It helps eliminate the need to identify, evaluate, contract, and manage multiple network connectivity providers, equipment manufacturers, and professional services organizations. KORE, with its partner ecosystem, delivers all of the components required for a successful IoT implementation, as well as the proven expertise and guidance that organizations need to maximize IoT investments and achieve transformative IoT business performance.

KORE enables a broad range of customer use cases across the major IoT capabilities of location tracking, asset monitoring and field servicing through a variety of products and services that include global, secure, managed connectivity, innovative eSIM and other advanced connectivity solutions, hardware and devices, location-based services, and comprehensive certification and endpoint lifecycle management services.

Encouraging New Ideas

As the President and Chief Executive Officer at KORE, Romil Bahl leads an executive management team completely dedicated to realizing the promise of IoT across industries. Under Romil’s guidance, the company is continually expanding its offerings and influence. According to Romil, “My management philosophy is anchored in transparency, and I believe in transformative, strategy-led change, highlighted by creativity and clarity of thought.” In terms of transparency, it’s extremely important to provide employees and colleagues with organizational updates on a regular basis and to share clear information on what’s required to move the company forward. Likewise, he expects every member of his team to raise issues and discuss roadblocks in a transparent manner so that the team can collectively solve problems in a collaborative manner.  This kind of transparency helps to solidify trust and promotes accountability.

In regards to creativity, Romil believes that the best way to inspire innovative thinking is to address challenges in open ideation sessions with all members of the team regardless of title, and create an environment that supports and is open to diverse ways of thinking.  According to him, it’s the best idea that wins, and his job is to ensure those best ideas are identified and resourced for execution.

To channel the resulting innovation and promote clarity of thought, he uses a method called ‘chaos to order’ that involves analyzing creative ideas one at a time and partnering them with a strategic process. This method ensures that these ideas become actionable and impactful.


Source link - https://ciolook.com/kore-bringing-transformation-in-businesses-through-advanced-iot-solutions/

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