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Get more customers from search engines, without the effort
Want to get customers from search engines but don’t know how to create content that will drive results? The Zupyak AI toolkit does the SEO research and content creation for you using AI, which gets you content that converts 💡
Try for free today!
Use AI to discover low competition keywords
Our AI keyword planner will help you automatically find keywords that are easy to rank for specific to your business, using AI. Create a keyword plan with thousands of keywords in one minute!
SEO content without effort
Our SEO AI writer helps you create SEO optimised content 10x faster than manual writing. Get content that ranks in minutes without knowledge about content writing or SEO đź’Ş
Save time and money by using AI
Save time and money by using AI
Zupyak does the SEO research and content creation for you using AI, much cheaper and faster than manual work and other toolsđź’ˇ
Publish to the world’s largest content marketing community
Publish to the world’s largest content marketing community
Over 250 000 people read the content published in the Zupyak community each month. Our community has 480 000+ members from 242 countries 🌍

Why customers love Zupyak

Zupyak vs other AI content generators Other AI content generators Other AI
Generate content automatically
Large scale keyword research done automatically with AI
No knowledge about SEO needed to get started
Get tangible topic ideas on what to write about based on your content
Get SEO keyword suggestions based on search volume and difficulty
SEO boosted AI editor with SEO scoring and lots of features
Publish on Zupyak, other platforms or save to content library

Why customers love Zupyak

Founder of Fintech app Alwy
By using Zupyak to create SEO optimized content we have increased organic traffic to our website by 50% in 3 months. It's super easy to use and really gets us results!
Business Owner from New York
United States
Zupyak seems to be the easiest AI content creation tool out there. The guided step-by-step process makes it super easy to generate awesome content. The keywords step is outstanding.
Senior copywriting freelancer from New York
United States
The AI writer tool is a standout tool because it does the bulk of the heavy lifting in terms of pulling the search words in and writing based on tone, designated length, etc.
Founder of Deviation Projects Jewelry, Stockholm
As I run my own e-commerce store I don’t have the time or knowledge to create search optimised content. Through Zupyak I can finally create content that gives me customers!
Senior copywriting freelancer from Lagos
Really useful tool. It's better than Copy.ai since it can help me with SEO, so it combines the best of AI and SEO. The interface and UX is very intuitive and cool.
Founder of DJ Newborn Props, Shanghai
We use content to market our products but I’ve always found it difficult to find the time to actually write it. Zupyak saves me so much time, I love it!
Business Owner from Phoenixville
United States
Easy to understand, easy to navigate, straightforward. Zupyak takes the stress out of creating content to get more customers and allows me to focus on my business

Discover The Zupyak Community

Besides an AI tool, Zupyak is also a content marketing community where over 400 000 businesses across the globe publish over 50 000 articles every month, related to over 400 industries. Get your brand discovered by publishing content and discover millions of articles from other users 🔍