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How To Buy A Diamond Ring Without Being Deceived?

How To Buy A Diamond Ring Without Being Deceived?

Ah, diamonds! Girt with the finest, winking gems make every evening legendary and every happening significant. That’s why; many people looking for jewelry often decide to only buy a diamond, for example, a diamond ring. The next paragraph will be your easy checklist while shopping for diamond rings and you will not miss out on anything. Read on so that you can be sure that your knowledge is based on facts. You are wrong if you think you can judge whether it is a real or fake diamond by its sparkles. Zirconia and diamond have a similar attribute which makes them unusually clear and white; this is due to their high refractive index. It is a diamond you would expect to see but this is not a diamond indeed. It is not a natural diamond. It is an artificial stone that gives a real look and a real feel just as natural diamond stone does. When buying diamond jewelry like a single diamond ring for male it is important to be able to assess a jeweler and know the importance of having a diamond certificate.

  • Get Your Basics Right: This Code of Practices considers all the Four Cs 

The first step is looking over the diamond terms and concepts, without which you won’t even be able to pick a diamond ring for yourself. Factoring these are the four Cs – cut, color, clarity, and carat. These four main factors will clearly show you how much a diamond costs.

Cut: Among the four Cs, the cut is usually given more priority. It influences the sparkle of the diamond word. A bad cut of a diamond will be gloomy and will shine less than a good cut of a stone. It is worth spending some extra time deciding upon the right cut. Furthermore, such modifications as marquise and princess may create an illusion that a diamond appears larger than it is in reality.

Color: The second C is color that is defined as from grade D to grade Z. Colorless diamonds are given grade D and tend to be the costliest. Diamond price decreases from D to Z instead of being stable.

Clarity: The third C is clarity in which we check tiny imperfections and blemishes in the diamond. These things are called inclusions. 

Carat:  Carat is a weight measure typically used to evaluate a diamond’s size. The main attribute is that the bigger the stone, the more the caratage. The price of the stone with a high carat is much more expensive than the stones with a small carat. On the other hand, you should know that even stones of the same carat value can have different prices due to other Cs such as color and clarity.

  • Does Diamond Certification Matter?

Yes, it indeed does! The certification document is the primary element that risks affecting the diamond’s true nature. Simply go to the responsible jewelry store nearby, which will always offer you the stone that you love. Genuine diamonds are provided with lab reports or certificates from certified gemological institutes or grading labs. A certificate assures that the ring you buy might not be fake in the end. Contrarily, better not to purchase the diamond until you have received the confirmation. 

  • Purchase Your Diamond Band from a reputed and Credible Jeweller or Online Store 

Amid a global boom in online jewelry, choosing the right diamond ring is now done within a few clicks on one’s mobile phone. From the huge number of options you have to the great discounts you will be given, you will find it hard to compare and go for the best deal. This boom attracts so many imposters in the market, it’s the same reason why there are a significant number of people getting defrauded. Order man diamond rings only from a credible jeweler, whether it is online or the offline store.

The most important aspect of luxury buying is to first study the different products before making a purchase. Don’t get yourself tricked into the Irresistible delights of heavy discounts. Long-term participation of the jewelers and retailers in this business is a good guarantee of quality. In addition please make sure they have reviews and are on active social media platforms. A prompt to check whether they can supply any certificate to ensure that the diamonds in the rings are genuine. Make sure that you evaluate their return policy and refund policy before ordering.

  • Here are some Tips and Tricks to Help You Distinguish the Original Diamonds and the Fake ones.

The breath test: This test uses the principle of diamonds which are efficient conductors of heat.  Turn your breath on to a fake diamond and the fog that it generates will stay in place. Unlike the original diamond that will conduct heat and deny moisture better. The fake diamond will take a longer time to clear up the moisture. Nonetheless, there’s a substitute which is a material known as moissanite that “imitates” a diamond in terms of its properties of conducting heat.

It could pass your breath test. If you are thinking about the originality of the stone check looks for the faceting of the stone. Since diamonds and moissanite are cut using different polish patterns, we can see the difference in their faces, the two look different.

The sandpaper test: The whole world” knows that diamonds are the strongest things, hardening even the earth. And this tiny piece will remove all the guesswork to tell whether a diamond is real or fake. Rubbing a piece of sandpaper will not have any bad influence on a genuine diamond. Besides the fact that the replica would be able to scratch easily.

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. And no person will opt to buy a fake diamond ring. In case you have any doubt about the jeweler’s statements, educate yourself in diamond-related fundamentals. You should do proper research, whether you’re buying traditional diamond or lab diamond studs. Do not forget these things. In this way, you will be safe from deceivers and you will not lose your money on the fake diamond ring.

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