The UK has over 11 million people with a disability. Over 80% acquire the disability in later stages of life and 20% are born disabled. Almost 2 million of the people in the UK are blind. There are millions of people who have a partial or full hearing disability. Over 800 kids born every year have a hearing impairment. Additionally, disability is moreobserved in the UK in-
- Poor
- Uneducated people
Above stats shows that quite a major percentage of the population in the UK are disabled. These unlucky people need help and support to live their life with head held high.
Most of the people think that a disabled person can’t take control of their life. They find it awkward to have a conversation with them and usually avoid them as they aren’t sure how to behave around a person with a disability. The reality is far from it.
A person with a disability can manage the livelihood on their own with the help of proper support system. They only lack people’s trust and faith in them. Not all kind of disability is physical impairment. If encouraged and given adequate support, disabled can excel in the field of science, mathematics, etc. There has been a notable example in past where people overcame their disability, to reach the pinnacle of success. Some of them are-
- Franklin D. Roosevelt: He was a 32nd USA president.
- Diagnosed with polio which leads to paralysis in the lower half of the body
- Instrumental in ending World War 2
- Revered by many for contribution in making the world a safer place.
- Ludwig van Beethoven
The greatest composer of all time, he lost his hearing at age of 26. Yet, he composed various tunes which are still being used 300 years later. Above examples show that with adequate support, disabled can lead an independent life and even strive to be world leaders in the various discipline.
KCIL is one of the leading organizations in the UK which helps in the empowerment of disabled in Kingston-upon-Thames. They provide various services related to work, stay, study and other services will help the disabled in living an independent life. KCIL disburses grants throughout the year to disabled for various purposes. Some of them are-
- Grant for Higher studies
Scholarships are provided to disabled for higher studies. This gives the brokenhearted disabled a chance to make a mark in the world.
- For Buying Equipment
Grants are also provided to disabled to buy equipment for seating, positioning and movement. This allows them to manage their day to day affairs on their own.
- For Holidays
Disabled have every right to enjoy life just like you and me. Unfortunately, some forms of disability hamper their ability to earn a lot of money. KCIL provides grants to these destitute disabled so that they can enjoy life and explore the world without being disheartened with life.
KCIL has various programs to provide independent living support to disabled-
- Paying money directly to disabled to manage their needs
- Provide educational and healthcare needs for children and young adults
- Provide healthcare budgets for patients with long term and complex illnesses
- Provide information and advice
- Provide personal assistant to the disabled to help them in their day to day chores
KCIL has a strong volunteer group who go to extra mile to provide the help and care needed by a disabled. They have been working from past many years to improve the life of the disabled. The organization has many success stories on how many lives they have changed.
If you know anyone with a disability in Kingston-upon-Thames, contact KCIL and their volunteers will take care of the rest.