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A Comprehensive Guide to Agile Software Development

Ritesh Patil
A Comprehensive Guide to Agile Software Development

With a tremendous change in mobile technology, smartphones and mobile apps are ruling our lives. Calling is not the sole purpose of mobiles anymore. Every small and large business is going mobile by leveraging the benefits of video calling apps, messengers, social media apps and cloud-based apps. 

It is essential to regularly update the mobile apps to fit in the changing needs of the users and the businesses today. Innovation is a must to keep up with the recent trends of the markets and sustain the competitive edge. However, being a complex task, mobile application development requires integration of a range of features to make it a success.

Agile software development is recognized worldwide as an excellent framework for mobile app development. We aim to guide the technology and non-technology professionals into the agile world through this post. The guide will help developers and testers understand the agile SCRUM methodology for software development and testing.

The guide will take you through the agile journey in a step-by-step manner to help you understand the principle underlying agile and its need in the software development industry. Learn about the advantages and challenges of Agile methodology and how to apply agile and scrum learning to work.

Ritesh Patil
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