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How to build a website like airbnb?

peter john
How to build a website like airbnb?

Airbnb is a vacation rental marketplace allowing people to rent out properties or spare unused spaces to guests.

Airbnb follows the “Sharing Economy” concept and follows many criteria to list for or search property from shared room to entire house.

It is the popular accommodation sharing platform launched in 2009,its grown from helping 21000 guests a year finding a place to stay and currently lists a staggering 8,00,000 properties in 34000 cities and 90 countries.

Host can make money by renting out extra space through Airbnb .It’s brilliant strategies have acquired significant customer base across the globe.

Building such a site like airbnb from scratch needs lot of technical skills and time.If you hire a developer or an IT consultancy to build a marketplace website for you, even building first version might cost north of $10,000 and easily takes up to 6 months to launch.

After launching your airbnb like site, you will notice many issues and need to be fixed and new features your customers are requesting and so cost quickly add up.

peter john
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