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AFCAT coaching in Dehradun

Kiara Werner
AFCAT coaching in Dehradun

Mentors specializes in moulding personality and developing Leadership skills of young aspirants desirous of joining Armed Forces. The Institute provides training for both SSB & WRITTEN Exam under one umbrella. The Institute has specialists in all three techniques having vast experience in SSB as GTO /Psychologies & Interviewing officer. It is the only institute with full fledged GTO ground having a very high safety standards. The institute has strong faculty in all subjects and conduct various written courses for NDA / CDSE / OTA / AFCAT / CAPF / GROUP X/Y / SSR & AA / TA Periodic mock test are conducted and these courses are monitored by senior retired defence officers Personal attention is given to each candidate & special focus is given to Hindi medium students wherein English Speaking classes are conducted as part of Personality Development Programme.

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Kiara Werner
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