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Tokyo Economic Center of Japan

Aarkstore Enterprise
Tokyo Economic Center of Japan

Tokyo or Greater Tokyo is the most populous city in Japan and in the world. Tokyo is the economic center of Japan accounting for around 33.4% of the national GDP. Rapid growth in the industry and tertiary sectors and improvements in professional business services and real estate are expected to be major drivers of growth.


City Profile - Tokyo” provides historical and forecast data on key city level metrics along with analytical coverage of the latest political, economic, social, technological, infrastructural, legal and environmental issues affecting Tokyo. The report contains detailed tourism, retail, construction, technology and public infrastructure data and insight into economic, social, and industry trends.


- The Industry and service sectors remain the key contributor to the regional economy - and the major employers. 
- Tokyo is a key tourist destination for both domestic and international tourists and witnessed a significant growth over the past two years. Business tourism stands a contributor to the tourism sector. Strong performance is observed in the construction sector with increasing employment, number of building permits issued and building completions.


Category: Business Services Market Research

Aarkstore Enterprise

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