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G-7: Will India be the New Entrant to World’s Most Powerful Grouping?

Aahana Ashi
G-7: Will India be the New Entrant to World’s Most Powerful Grouping?

Recently, France, a member of G-7 grouping, invited India to its special outreach session to be held at Biarritz, France during August 24-26, 2019.

While extending the invitation, French President Emmanuel Macron lauded the role of India saying, “I would be particularly honored to be able to count on your presence.

India forms part of our main partners, sharing our democratic values, united in the idea that only a joint and inclusive effort between our peoples will help promote globalisation that benefits all while protecting our planet.”The invitation was accepted by the government of India.

There are no formal criteria to become a member of G-7, but member countries are all developed democracies.

This invitation to India is a routine affair of G-7 because it keeps inviting countries like China, India, and Brazil among others to its special sessions.

But, in the last few years, voices in support of India’s membership to G-7 have started growing.

Aahana Ashi
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