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How to Develop Grocery Delivery Mobile App? Cost & Features

How to Develop Grocery Delivery Mobile App? Cost & Features

Yes, it is really that simple, owing to this growing concept of on-demand mobile apps.

They literally loved the idea of saying bye to the long queues they had to stand in while shopping for groceries.

The concept of Grocery Delivery Mobile App Development has gained remarkable momentum.

Here, the work of the app is to connect the user to the grocery store, and then the delivery is managed by the store owner, as the job of the aggregator is simply to list the store and its menu on the app platform.

Push Notifications: This functionality works wonders in increasing the user engagement with the app and thus is greatly helpful in user acquisition and retention.

GPS Tracking: For a grocery delivery mobile app, GPS (Global Positioning System) functionality is quite crucial, as it is extremely helpful for drivers in locating routes.

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