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A Picture That Captures Modi Government’s J&K Policy

Aahana Ashi
A Picture That Captures Modi Government’s J&K Policy

A famous saying goes – “A picture is worth a thousand words.” This holds true to these set of pictures tweeted by Home Minister Amit Shah on June 27, 2019, when he visited the home of inspector Arshad Khan.

His sacrifice for the security of our nation has saved many lives.

The message is clear that India no longer believes that appeasing the separatists in the valley will bring peace to the region.

Cut to September 2016, when the peace process was going on in the valley, there were clear attempts to appease the separatists in the valley by the entire political system except BJP.

Below is a PTI picture sourced from India Today website which describes what many would call the politics of appeasement.

At that time too, the BJP had held on to the view that it will talk only with those who abide by the Constitution of India.

Aahana Ashi
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