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On Demand Doctor App Development - An Ultimate Strategy to Enrich Your Medical Business

Mathew Bairstow
On Demand Doctor App Development - An Ultimate Strategy to Enrich Your Medical Business


As a matter of fact, the arrival and extensive widespread of internet has catered a facilitative life to this generation. This makes the count of internet users to enlarge enormously. Right from their personal needs to professional service, people sought this modern technologies in these days. Once after the advent of mobile technology, the number  of internet users elevated massively.

Well, these mobile technology shines as the boon for businesses to enhance themselves. This is because, everyone prefers mobile applications to execute their tasks like shopping, bill payments, reading articles and even for healthcare.  

Today, Healthcare sectors are getting boom with all the technological development which guides the users to access the healthcare services easily. Further, with this technological advancement , on-demand doctor app development is getting more reach among the users.

What is the use of On-demand doctor app?

When it comes to hospital atmosphere, the sight of long queue and disheartened patients will be much enough to build panic with the patients. To streamline this, healthcare apps made their presence with innovative solutions to fix all their needs.

Heathcare apps has completely changed the scenario of waiting for hours to get appointment into just fews clicks. Not only in appointment, it also allows the people to consult certified doctors through live videos and facilitate several benefits to both the medical centre as well as the patients. Moreover, these apps saves the patients time by avoiding the patient’s physical visit to hospitals and waiting for their appointment.

Here are the some factors which reveals how on-demand healthcare system is much better than traditional way of consulting the doctor

Virtual Consultation:

Video streaming is one of the best feature in on demand doctor app. This is because, patients with serious ill problem or facing difficulties in reaching hospital can still get benefits through this video conferencing . Moreover, it extensively assets in taking remote medical service in getting diagnosed or treated.

In 2015, a report states than more than 2 million video consultation has been done between the healthcare providers and their patients. It is expected , that the count will raise into 5.5 million in just five years. When it comes to video conferencing, the most important thing to consider is that your healthcare app should support and manage the high quality videos on both ends.

Offers Instant Solutions:

When it comes to on-demand apps doctor, it offers benefits for both users - who are in need of immediate service and those who expect to schedule their appointment. Whatever the place they are, these apps allow the patients to book appointment whenever they need as per their convenience and also grant time slots optimally.

Integrated with Insurance:

One the major benefit in on-demand doctors apps is that patients can get treatment by adding their existing insurance or without it. In addition, the price for a doctor visit may be significantly less than the user would pay for an urgent care in any pharmacy clinic.

Some of the Essential Features in On-demand Doctor App:

Patient and Doctor Profile:

Initially, on-demand doctor app should have profile creation step. By providing their personal details they can create their respective profiles. Once after the registration process, they can login with the credentials or the OTP provided to them.

Communication Options:

In On-demand doctor app, patients are provided with multiple communication options like sending messages and calling. Patients can send messages or make phone calls to the doctors in case of any enquiry about treatment.

Appointment Scheduling:

Using this feature, patients can book appointment with their favored doctor at their convenient time. Moreover, patients can check the doctor’s availability and can schedule their appointment according to their wish.

Doctor Management:

This feature will categorize the doctors based on their specialization. And so patients can select their category and also can get appointment whenever they required with their preferred doctors.

Prescription Service:

By using this feature, doctors can provide e-prescription data to their patients. Well the data will be secured by end-to-end encryption method. Moreover, repeat prescription will also be available through which patients can get their prescription without visiting the doctor again. This saves the patients money, time and efforts exceptionally.

Delivery of Medicines:

This feature will make visible the prescription with the nearby registered pharmacies by utilizing the GPS tracking system. Once after the prescription generated, it shows notification to the nearby pharmacies and whichever pharmacy is available with the stock will accept the request and deliver the medicines at the doorstep of patients.


People utilize technology as their powerful weapon to save their most precious time in these days. Well, this is what happens in On Demand Doctor App as well. These on demand doctor apps makes enormous benefits to patients, doctors, hospitals, clinics and for pharmacies. So if you are running any hospital, clinic or pharmacy and looking to build an on-demand doctor app, then it is suggested to get connect with the reliable mobile app development company and integrate the above features with your app which are the most compelling and proven service model to a mobile app.








Mathew Bairstow
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