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Is team India Ready for Dhoni Retirement?

I am flypped
Is team India Ready for Dhoni Retirement?

Prasad, chief selectors of BCCI, on Sunday stated that they are grooming Rishabh Pant but did not state anything about the team management’s request to MS Dhoni to take a step back from his retirement decision.

The sources revealed that the management do not wish Dhoni to step back as the lack of an experienced player might lead to a huge loss in case Pant suffers an injury.

The management, who thinks the other players cannot match even half of Dhoni’s talent, expects that Dhoni is aware of his position and importance in the team and is ethical enough not to respond to any such controversies regarding his retirement.

Yes, it is true that Pant is going to be the future of cricket but is it possible without Dhoni’s guidance?

There seems to be much more behind the scenes of Dhoni’s retirement than is portrayed but the management denies giving any statement on it.

The two time World Cup-winning captain has not yet officially announced his retirement, the selectors say it will be solely his own decision.

I am flypped
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