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ESPN reportedly pulls XGames Apex tournament broadcast after mass shootings

Geekz Snow
ESPN reportedly pulls XGames Apex tournament broadcast after mass shootings

ESPN and sister network ABC Sports have reportedly decided to cancel a planned broadcast this weekend of XGames Apex Legends EXP Invitational in the wake of a pair of deadly mass shootings last weekend.

ESPN said in a note to affiliates that the decision was made out of respect for the shooting victims and all those affected by tragedy, according to a note tweeted out by esports figure Rod Breslau.

The esports tournament was held last Friday and Saturday but wasn't scheduled to be broadcast until Sunday on ESPN News.

Instead, the Disney-owned network plans to broadcast a rerun of E60: Forver Broncos, according to the note.

The date on the posted note -- Aug. 6 -- suggests that the network made its programming decision roughly three days after a mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, claimed 22 lives and injured more than two dozen.

Another shooting a few hours later in Dayton, Ohio, killed nine people and wounded 27 others.

Geekz Snow
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