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Samsung Game Launcher: Everything to know about Samsung’s gaming suite

Geekz Snow
Samsung Game Launcher: Everything to know about Samsung’s gaming suite

We’ve got you covered with our Samsung Game Launcher guide.

If you’re still not seeing the app, you can visit Settings > Advanced features > Game Launcher and toggle the switch to enable it on your device.

Then tap the three-dot/settings menu in the top-right corner and choose add apps.

Visit Settings > Sort games, and you’ll find the ability to sort titles alphabetically or by date of installation (newest first).

Otherwise, you’ll find that the Game Launcher main menu is pretty self-explanatory, featuring the aforementioned list of games, a rotating carousel of ads near the bottom, and two buttons below that.

Tweak the slider to the left and your phone will prioritize power efficiency over performance when gaming, but tweaking the slider to the right will focus on performance.

Geekz Snow
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