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Is Manufacturing in India Ready for Industry 4.0?

BatchMaster Software
Is Manufacturing in India Ready for Industry 4.0?

When we hear or read about the term industrial revolution, we are invariably teleported back in time to our high school days, when we learned about it for the first time.

Going a step further from the third industrial revolution, the fourth industrial revolution, or the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), or simply Industry 4.0, is going to be an amalgamation of all the latest technologies and manufacturing, where the machines, particularly at the shop floor, will be equipped with the ability to communicate so as to achieve visibility over every aspect of the operations, including goods, assets, and processes.

Facilitated by the rapid developments that have happened on the information technology and hardware front, Industry 4.0 is nothing but a blend of advanced analytics, Big Data, Robotics (machine learning), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain, Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) systems, Real-time Locationing Systems (RTLS), 3D printing, and Process Digitization across the business value chain, thus leading to a convergence of real and the virtual world.

Also being referred to as ‘smart factory’ or smart manufacturing, the concept of Industry 4.0 is going to change the way manufacturing happens across the globe by completely digitizing the manufacturing sector.

The concept of a ‘smart factory’ with connected manufacturing units is fast becoming a reality everywhere – including India.

Diverse businesses in the country, be it the startups, SMEs or big corporations, are opening up to the idea of Industry 4.0.

BatchMaster Software
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