A complete ban on hunting and logging might risk the livelihood.
The dauntless Angami tribe imposed a conservation effort over 3000 residents of Khonoma village, turning 20 square kilometer forest land into Khonoma Nature Conservation and Tragopan Sanctuary (KNCTS).
But some anonymous people said that hunting still takes place for the love of the game, though on a very small scale.
The Khonoma village, which rose from ashes during Anglo-Khonoma and Indo-Naga battles of the 1950s, did not give up its conservation idea and traveled through the loop of time from repetitive British assaults to Asia’s first green village.
“We heard lot of gunshots in December last year and this January and February” says NeikedolieHeikha, chairman of the eco-tourism management committee of Khonoma adding “it was the worst time since the ban was imposed and villagers knew something was wrong and it was time to act”
“the village decided to increase the fine amount of hunting from Rs 3000 to Rs 10,000 per person.