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What is a Sales Opportunity and How to Identify and Manage It?

Jodkowska Katarzyna
What is a Sales Opportunity and How to Identify and Manage It?

According to the statistics, only 13% of leads get converted into sales opportunities across all the channels and it takes about 84 days to convert a lead into a sales opportunity.

Overall, the average lead-to-deal conversion rate is 0.8%, which means that it takes over 128 leads to close one deal.

To work efficiently, you need to know how to sort this 1 lead out of 128 others and how to competently conduct leads through the entire purchase process. That means changing their status from a lead to a prospect, from the prospect to a sales opportunity, from the sales opportunity to a happy client.

Stop missing opportunities, read this article!

Jodkowska Katarzyna
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