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Should a Seller and Buyer use the Same Conveyancer?

Compton Conveyancing
Should a Seller and Buyer use the Same Conveyancer?

When it comes to buying and selling property, the paper work required and numerous checks may make anyone’s head spin. That is why most people prefer using a conveyance to do all the hard job of making checks and drawing up contracts. Sometimes, an agency may propose that the buyer and seller use the same Sales progression Dubai. This is mostly in cases where the buyer and seller have already come to an agreement on the sale of the property and will be happy to use the same professional to save cost. However there are many reasons why each person involved in the transfer of title deal should hire their own professional.

Risk of conflict of interest

A conveyance and Power of attorney UAE will normally be expected to carry out certain check on a property that is up for sale and give their professional opinion on certain aspects of the house. They may also send the Eviction notices Dubai to the property holders.

Risk of clients feeling cheated

Irrespective of whether the buyer and seller have a very close relationship, either of them could feel like they are not getting the best services they should be getting from their conveyancing service. No matter what the licensed professional does, it may be difficult for them to treat both of their clients the same and this will easily be seen by either the buyer or seller.

If you are the one buying a house, how comfortable will you feel about the good report given by the hired professional on the house when you know such professional has a close relationship with the seller?

The services you require from a conveyance includes among others

  • Checks that the house is in good condition or that all defects have been factored into the purchase price


  • Check that all authorizations on the property are paid and up to date


  • Ensure that there are no disputes on the property

How do you get such independent reports when the same person who is supposed to check for defects is the same who has to make the house look the best so it can be bought?

The bottom line is when it comes to buying property, there should be no sentiments attached. Even if you are buying property from your family, use separate conveyance servicing. That will keep everyone involved in the transfer deal comfortable that they are getting the best. Any advice gotten from a licensed professional will not be second guessed if the buyer and seller are using separate service providers.

Source Link: https://bit.ly/2r8WCG0

Compton Conveyancing
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