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Continuous Mesh Belt Atmosphere Furnace | Gasbarre

Gas Baree
Continuous Mesh Belt Atmosphere Furnace | Gasbarre

The continuous mesh belt furnace delivers repeatable heat treatment results for bulk goods and large quantities of small parts while maintaining low energy costs.

Gasbarre, headquartered in DuBois, PA, was founded in 1973 to design, manufacture, and service a complete line of powder compaction and sizing presses for the powder metallurgy. Since that time, Gasbarre has earned a worldwide reputation as a full service supplier to the powder metallurgy, particulate materials and thermal processing industries. With over 200 employees in seven locations, Gasbarre stands alone in the ability to offer equipment and services for all applications related to powder compaction and thermal processing. Today, with 20% of Gasbarre products being exported, there are thousands of Gasbarre presses, furnaces and other equipment in operation all around the globe.

Gas Baree
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