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After Gaborone, Qatar Airways set to add direct flight to Luanda

Indian Transport & Logistics News
After Gaborone, Qatar Airways set to add direct flight to Luanda

September 9, 2019: Qatar Airways will launch its new service to Luanda, Angola, starting March 2020.

The flight to the capital and largest city of Angola will be operated by a Boeing 787 Dreamliner five-times a week.

Our African network is expanding, with Luanda joining the #QatarAirways network in March 2020.

Read more: https://t.co/Pp4fBF3G5g #LuandaTogether pic.twitter.com/vrAnqjLHYf

Qatar Airways Group chief executive, Akbar Al Baker, said: “We are excited to be announcing our new service to Luanda – the latest destination in our rapidly expanding African network connecting Luanda to key markets in the Far East, South East Asia and Europe.

The new route to the coastal city of Luanda not only further solidifies the links between the State of Qatar and Angola, but will enable us to provide a seamless journey to and from this fascinating country and one of the world’s fastest growing economies.

Indian Transport & Logistics News
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