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Fat Loss is Possible If You Change Your Attitude

Steffan Devin
Fat Loss is Possible If You Change Your Attitude

In same cases, the problem is not that the Leptitox Review weight loss has stopped, more it's that the weight loss never got going to begin with.Regardless of whether you've had good results with your diet program or not, understanding whether you could be at risk for suffering from a metabolism slow-down on your fat loss program is going to be critically important for solving the problem.

Length of Time On The Diet The first thing to assess is how long you've been on the diet. If it's been longer than six months and you are definitely restricting your total calorie intake (say you are eating at or lower than ten calories per pound of body weight - so for example if you weigh 150 pounds this would be 1500 calories a day), then there is a high chance that you are in fact suffering from metabolism slow-down.

The body responds to periods of long-term, very-low calorie dieting by slowing down the metabolic rate, trying to protect itself against potential starvation.It seems almost every day there is another celebrity in the news, having lost weight by eating half a celery stick twice per day (or something like that!) - many of these diets are EXTREMELY low calorie and that simply is not sustainable. So, rather than just reducing calories everywhere in your diet - be smart with what you eat and when and you can actually lose weight quicker and more permanently!

When you follow the eat more to lose more philosophy, this does not break the main rule of weight loss! You HAVE to eat fewer calories each day than your body burns - that is the only way that your body will burn that fat so that you can lose weight. The average person needs about 2,000 calories to maintain their weight, so if you set your diet at 1,500 calories - you will burn about 500 calories of fat each day. 1lb of fat is about 3,500 calories - so you will lose 1-2lbs per week (with some water going too, usually). Nice and steady and PERMANENT!



Steffan Devin
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