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How to clear browsers cache on AOL Desktop Gold

Brie Larson
How to clear browsers cache on AOL Desktop Gold

The cache is a software component that temporarily stores data so that it can be retrieved easily if required. The browser cache is designed to improve your browsing experience by reducing the page load time. After you free aol download for windows 10 and when you access a particular website, the files of the website are stored in the browser cache. The next time you visit that website, AOL Desktop Gold will automatically retrieve the stored files so that the webpage loads quickly. However, when the cache memory is burdened with junk files, you will find that your browser speed is reduced and webpages take time to load. This article will give you a general overview of the steps you need to follow to clear the browser cache and get your browser up to speed.


Steps to clear browser’s cache on AOL Desktop Gold

Clearing the browser’s cache is a common troubleshooting solution that helps to resolve any technical errors related to your internet browser. Issues such as page freezing, unresponsive websites, images not loading can be solved by clearing the browser cache. You can refer to the steps given below to clear AOL Desktop Gold browser cache on and boost your browser performance:

Step 1: Run the AOL Desktop Gold browser on your computer.

Step 2: Enter your login details and sign-in to your account.

Step 3: Go to the top menu bar and click the ‘Settings’ icon.

Step 4: Look for the ‘Browser’ settings located in the left menu.

Step 5: Access the security tab and select the ‘Clear Footprints Now’ option.

Step 6: Select the browse cache checkbox and empty the cache before you quit Desktop Gold.


After the browser cache is cleared, you will need to restart your computer and check if the browser speed improved. If you still have trouble running the browser you may need to download aol desktop for windows 10 once again just to make sure you are using the latest available version. However, before you download and install AOL Gold you need to make sure your system meets the basic requirements needed so that the browser can run smoothly. You can call the AOL Desktop Gold customer care number and speak to a team of trained software technicians to get additional assistance. Experts are available 24 hours a day and can give you detailed solutions to help you resolve any technical issue related to your AOL Desktop Gold software.


Source URL: http://www.deenbook.nl/event/4514

Brie Larson
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