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High Cholesterol Is Easy To Cure, And You Don't Need High Price Statin Drugs To Accomplish It

Hadriel Sam
High Cholesterol Is Easy To Cure, And You Don't Need High Price Statin Drugs To Accomplish It

I recently read an article which was medically Organifi Gold Tea Review  reviewed by a doctor who had an impressive bunch of letters behind his name. The article was basically stating that alternative methods for dealing with high cholesterol are possible but at the end of the reading experience it becomes clear that the article was really there to tout the benefits of statin drugs for lowering cholesterol while diminishing the benefits of dietary and lifestyle changes. This article moreover had the nerve to strongly imply that alternative treatments such as a plant based diet, pure water, and regular exercise might put you at risk of nasty side effects. All the while it continued to imply that statin drugs were free of these dangerous concerns.

Have you ever read your pharmeceutical cholesterol lowering drug label If you haven't please take the time to do so now. You will notice that there are a host of dangerous side effects listed on each label and the worst side effect listed is death. It seems to me that these unsavory side effects merit the label "DANGEROUS" on every exceedingly high priced prescription bottle. Shall we put this same label on a Sunkist Navel Orange I don't think so!

Doctors and Big Pharma don't make billion dollar profits on their laboratory made synthetic drugs if nobody is sick. Sometimes they can convince you that you are sick through targeted advertising campaigns so that you are persuaded that you desperately need their outrageously high priced drugs, but more often than not they don't need to convince you that you are sick because your unhealthy lifestyle has done that for them. All they really have to do is sell you on the fact that they have a magic pill that will make you all better.

Unfortunately this "magic pill" does absolutely nothing but to mask the symptoms that are making you miserable. They do not eliminate the problem in any way shape or form. It is not much different than anesthesia. Anesthesia does not have any power to negate the bad side effects of being cut open in your triple by-pass surgery, it merely puts you to sleep so that you don't feel the pain of the violence done to your body. In other words, it masks the symptoms.



Hadriel Sam
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