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Present LinkAja Sharia, 3 the Difference with the Conventional version

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Present LinkAja Sharia, 3 the Difference with the Conventional version

LinkAja Syariah - PT Fintek Karya Nusantara (Finarya) is developing a new product, namely LinkAja Sharia which is planned to be released in July 2019.

Director Finarya, Danu Wicaksana explained, there are three fundamental differences that distinguish LinkAja conventional and sharia.

First, the fund settles aka floating fund results from the balance which is filled by the customer LinkAja Sharia, will be deposited in islamic banks.

The funds are indeed deposited in situ according to the rules of Bank Indonesia, should be in the Bank's General Business Activities (BUKU) 4," said Danu at the Ministry of SOES, Jakarta, Monday (30/9).

As is known, the bank BOOK 4 is a bank with a core capital tier 1 over Rp 30 trillion.

Second, the only difference is that in terms of ordinances of the transaction.

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