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Fajrin Said Focus Bukalapak Post Injected Capital Investors Korea

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Fajrin Said Focus Bukalapak Post Injected Capital Investors Korea

Bukalapak - Company marketplace Bukalapak just get funding fresh from a subsidiary of the bank of origin South Korea, Shinhan GIB.

With a background Shinhan in the financial sector, the question arises: whether the Young forward will also be venturing into financial services-based technology (fintech)?

Co-Founder and President Bukalapak Fajrin Rasyid stated, the presence of new investors will not change the strategy and business plan Bukalapak.

At this time, the unicorn is the center of focus to achieve sustainable growth in business and profits.

The company wants to become a sustainability e-commerce or e-commerce that generates profit.

(Also read: LAYOFFS of Employees, Bukalapak Want to Be a Unicorn First Print Profit)

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