Amidst all this, some people may be considering filing for bankruptcy to reduce the amount of debt they are accountable for and therefore have to pay off.
Though some states are currently beginning to slowly lift restrictions and allow certain businesses to resume with limitations, some businesses may truly never recover from the 3 month nearly 4 month closure that occurred.
If you happen to be an individual or a business owner who is considering filing for bankruptcy it is best to research what your options are and exhaust the alternatives to ensure that you are making a very informed decision for yourself and/or your business.
This article will point you to different resources that will be able to assist you while you look at the different options available to you.The first option when considering filing for bankruptcy should be to consult with a bankruptcy attorney, however given the coronavirus pandemic, some bankruptcy attorneys near you may still be closed, or you may simply not want to put yourself or your loved ones at risk by going into places if you do not absolutely have to, so I have provided you with some great online resources that will help you make an informed decision about bankruptcy filing from the comfort of your home.
These resources are not just tailored to one aspect of bankruptcy but can be used for different steps that you may need to take throughout your bankruptcy journey.Annual Credit Report (“Before you file for bankruptcy, it is very important that you access your credit report history and gain a better understanding of your credit history and what is listed,” states San Diego bankruptcy attorney Tristan Brown.
You will also be able to examine the requirements needed for the different bankruptcies listed and determine if you are eligible to pursue the claim.