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All you Need to Know about Facebook Ads

All you Need to Know about Facebook Ads

Facebook was originally targeted at the college audience; however, the social media site has gained popularity over the years and is now a popular communication website for users of all ages. While the minimum age criteria are 13, it continues to be above 65. The website covers a wide audience and has a strong ability to keep viewers engaged over a long time period. These advantages help marketers utilize the platform to a great extent. Social media today is undoubtedly one of the best ways to market a business, and Facebook has been topping the list.


Here are a few things you need to know about Facebook Ads:

  • Geotargeting
    Advertising does not stand to any use until and unless the advertisement is location-specific. Facebook, as a website, makes it easier to target audiences according to geographical location. It helps in targeting users who have recently shifted to a specific place and might be interested in your business. The best way to target an audience is by targeting within a particular radius, which stands essential for local businesses. For example, if you own a parlor, it is best to advertise it locally to attract a local audience. Get in touch with Facebook Ads Services in Jaipur to advertise in a professional manner.
  • Understand the KPIs
    If you intend to succeed with Facebook advertisements, it is essential for you to be aware of your KPIs. KPI stands for Key Performance Indicators. You require focusing on the profits with the Facebook ads, followed by focusing on actual net profits. It is a bad idea to simply be caught up trying to drive down the cost per click while keeping metrics on Facebook marketing. Website Development Company in Jaipur helps to run the ads in an effective manner.
  • Make rotational ads
    Before you head to creating a Facebook ad campaign, it is essential for you to be aware of the number of ads you require for marketing. Hence, instead of making just one ad, it is advisable that you make at least 3 ads. You need to rotate the ads with similar interests and goals. In this way, you can acquire individual information on all ads. It is advisable to stick to three ads as you do not want to bore people with too many.
  • Interests
    This is another category of Facebook ads that you need to consider as interests are varying across several users. It is crucial for a business to attract the interests of those who might be interested in your business. It depends on your industry and nature of the business that you need to select a category of interest across which you need to run your ad. Targeting the interest is a great way of drawing the interest of your competitor’s audience. For example, if you intend to promote clothes, you can target users who like prominent brands of clothes. SEO Services in Jaipur targets your interest and reaches the target faster.
  • Boosting of posts
    SMO Services in Jaipur offers a great opportunity to boost posts, a concept that is similar to the ad model where you can reach your audience depending on geography and interests. Post boosting is a great way of sharing the latest news and updates with the demography who might be interested in your post. Advertising directed towards the fans of a specific page helps in increasing the engagement and can even go viral when amalgamated with a larger fan base.



Facebook ads thus are an incredibly efficient tool for reaching the target audience. It is essential to consider the marketing budget before you launch any ad or campaign.

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