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A Way To Check If Yours Is One Of Old Books Of Harry Potter

Mamata Parida
A Way To Check If Yours Is One Of Old Books Of Harry Potter

However, it's one in every of simply five hundred copies of that edition ever written, creating it one in every of the terribly 1st times the broader public was introduced to the boy wizard.

a duplicate from identical run oversubscribed for £60,000 2 years agone, and solely a number of hundred square measure in camera hands.

you'll spot this ultra-rare version, instead of a later one, by viewing page fifty-three wherever 1 wand seems double within the list of things Harry ought to bring around Hogwarts.

You should additionally explore for a print line that reads one zero nine eight seven half dozen five four three a pair of one and therefore the crediting of Joanne Rowling, not JK, on the page.

Less rare 1st editions sell for love or money between thousands and £20 reckoning on their condition and therefore the run.

But they're aloof from the sole books price way more current than what individuals got them with even some 2008 books currently taking tons of if you sell them.

Mamata Parida
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