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Distributed Generation Market, By Technology, Application, and Geography - Global Industry Insights to 2026

Robert Roy
Distributed Generation Market, By Technology, Application, and Geography - Global Industry Insights to 2026

This in turn, is expected to propel growth of the global next generation memory market.

CBRAM is a form of resistive RAM, which takes around 50 to 100 times less time to perform read and write operation as compared to NOR flash.

In 2015, Hewlett-Packard and SanDisk had announced an agreement to jointly develop ‘Storage Class Memory’ (SCM) resistive RAM that could replace DRAM and would be 1,000 times faster than NAND flash.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is group of methodology that focuses on formation of intelligent machines with the help of human intelligence such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

High performance applications of artificial intelligence have increased the demand for high-bandwidth low potential data accesses through processors, storage, and IOs.

According to a press release, on September 2017, Intel introduced its new self-learning chip, which is able to make faster decisions from large unstructured data set.

Robert Roy
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