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Why Is Your Hair Falling Out?

DermaClinix Chennai
Why Is Your Hair Falling Out?

Most people don’t spend much time thinking about their hair until they start losing it. However, hair loss and premature balding are some of the major aesthetic concerns among men and women around the world. To devise a better plan to tackle the problem, one needs to educate themselves about the etiology of the problem.

Hair loss is a completely natural process. Old hair falls out and new hair takes its place. In fact, every individual loses around 100 to 150strands of hair on a daily basis. However, a problem starts occurring when your hair starts falling out at a pace faster than it replenishes or your hair growth is very slow and bald spots start appearing in patches. In the earlier days, hair loss and balding was a major concern and an issue of embarrassment for many. However, many people these days simply opt for hair transplant surgery to get their full head of hair back.

That being said, What Causes Hair Loss?

As it turns out, a number of factors are cumulatively responsible for causing your hair to fall out.

Listed Below are Some of the Major Reasons:

Genetic Predisposition

Here’s a bad news for you. If you have a family history with premature balding and you have close relatives who are unfortunate victims of it, then chances are that it might strike you as well. Your genes control every part of your body and that includes the color and texture of your hair as well. Male pattern baldness is a genetic condition that affects almost 50 million men worldwide. It is often attributed to a high level of testosterone in the body.

Excessive Stress

Have you heard the phrase, “pulling out your hair in anxiety”? As it turns out, the situation is quite literal. A major life event can cause certain hormonal and endocrinological changes in the body that has adverse effects on the hair growth and health of the hair. Excessive stress can make the hair brittle and fall out.


Just like your body, your hair too needs proper nourishment. If your sustenance is solely based on unhealthy junk food, then there is a high probability that your hair is not getting the nutrition that needs to stay healthy.

Tying the Hair Too Tightly

Did you know that there is something known as Traction Alopecia? Usually, ballerinas or anyone who ties their hair too tightly are vulnerable to this kind of hair loss.

Poor Hygiene

You need to take care of proper care to ensure that your hair is in top quality. Poor hair care regiments, leaving the hair dirty for days can cause problems like dandruff or bacterial infection which can lead to increased hair fall.

When it comes to hair loss, prevention is the best cure. However, it is never too late. You can always visit the best hair transplant clinic in Chennai to get a consultation with the most premium hair transplant doctor in Chennai who can guide you in the hair transplantation procedure.

DermaClinix Chennai
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