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Looking for instant cash loans in India? Do consider this new option!

Bhavesh Shinde
Looking for instant cash loans in India? Do consider this new option!

The need for a helping hand financially is felt by a considerable proportion of people nowadays. People living in big cities with the burden of rent, food, transport and education of their children find it difficult to save the money required for their other commitments sometimes. Also, this amount is relatively small which is why people cannot go to banks. Most of the banks have a minimum loan amount below which they do not lend loans. Also, the disbursal process is long and tiring which makes individuals avoid taking loans from banks.

With the advent of the digital age, there has been a rise in need for instant cash loans in India. To satisfy this demand, there are some instant cash loan apps in India like RapidRupee that provide such instant cash loans.

In this article, we look at some of the features of these instant cash loan apps in India offer:

  • Minimum amount: The minimum amount for such instant cash loans in India is as low as 1000 with interest rates starting from 1% per month. This allows people with need of such amounts to get a loan than searching for lending options.
  • Paperless transactions: There is no need to move around long distances taking your documents to get your loans sanctioned. All one has to do is upload their PAN and Aadhar details and a photograph and be done with the documentation part of your loan application!
  • Instant disbursal: As the entire documentation process is digital and does not involve any paper transaction, these apps are able to disburse the cash loan in as recent as 2 hours after the approval of the application. This comes very handy in a time of crisis when a person is in urgent need for finances.
  • Tenure: The amount borrowed as loan can be repaid in a span that can extend till one year. This gives enough time for the borrower to repay the loan as per his financial situation.
  • Simple process: The online process for instant cash loans in India is fairly simple. It does not involve any complex checks on the applicant’s credit history. A person with no credit history can easily avail the benefit of this loan without getting into complex procedures to get his loan sanctioned.
  • Data safety: Some people have reservations about entering their data online on fear of data theft or misuse. However, the instant cash loan apps in India like RapidRupee use secure HTTPS connection and have a policy of not sharing any data without the borrower’s consent. Further, the transactions done are secured using 128 bit SSL encryption, which means the borrower can be relieved from any such fears.

As we saw in this article, there are a lot of options and perks offered to people by these instant cash loan apps in India. We hope this article was useful to you and gave you some important relevant information while applying for instant cash loans in India. Have a great day!

Bhavesh Shinde
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