Companies with their crypto-related ideas launch ICO to attract investors. A token or a digital coin is launched on behalf of the company and investors who are interested in the offering, buy the tokens in exchange for the cryptocurrencies. Launching an ICO is the key to successful involvement in the crypto platform.
A Whitepaper is the selling point for every ICO project that explains every segment of your project. Starting from the central theme of the project to market analysis, development strategies, technology architecture, token information & distribution, legal issues, token description, fundraising, early advisors, & investors, a whitepaper should cover each and every segment to describe why an investor should show interest in your project.
Source: https://medium.com/@blockchainfirm/launching-an-initial-coin-offering-made-easy-79c517969511

Crowdfunding — The Way It WasInitial Public Offerings (IPOs) and stocks have been, for a considerable stretch of time, known as proven and valid means of crowdfunding.
It cannot, however, be denied that the practice has become a bit too archaic.
The process is cumbersome and it is plagued with a lot of intermediaries that translate into costs.The Blockchain RevolutionWith the introduction of the decentralized ledger technology(DLT) called blockchain, crowdfunding has become considerably simple and easy.
Over the years, crowdfunding methods powered by various blockchain network have evolved to become more regulated, accessible, and available.Ask any crypto enthusiast and they will, from the top of their minds, recall Initial Coin Offerings (ICO), Initial Exchange Offerings (IEO), and Security Token Offerings (STO).
The crypto/blockchain crowdfunding landscape has been dominated by these three different methods so far.Read more

Blockchain Firm offers risk-free, accurate, and a ready-made ICO script that is equipped with all the fundamental add-ons so that the companies can create a strong and secure ICO portal.

STO stands for Security Token Offering, and ICO refers to Initial Coin Offering.Both the crypto-assets come with their own sets of pros and cons and talk about different issues of the crypto world.Read on to get a thorough understanding of STO and ICO marketing.STO and ICO Marketing Security Token Offering (STO)STO addresses the vulnerabilities of ICOs.STO services provide a risk-free network of investment to investors.Similar to ICOs, STO helps you raise capital for your project idea.The differentiator between these two is, the latter restricts itself to a closed group of investors who conform to set prerequisites.
The US Securities and Exchange (SEC) lays down and regulates these prerequisites.Marketing an STO campaign is different and difficult than ICOs.There are two reasons for this difference.First, it’s due to stringent mandates organizations within the network need to adhere.
Second, it only allows a smaller pool of investors.Additionally, STO trading is strenuous since established crypto exchanges aren’t supportive enough to them as compared to ICO crypto token trading.
Enabling trading of STOs requires a lot of documentation.However, if we look at the bright side, STO services are quickly gaining traction as the go-to medium for investors.
Being a reliable investment opportunity, experts believe that the market capitalization of STOs may reach $10 trillion by 2020.Advantages of STO servicesComparatively low-level risk and guaranteed investor’s investmentSTOs get registered with the SEC and are equal to the face value with traditional stock market shares.Experts believe its marketing capitalization would surpass $10 trillion by 2020.Disadvantages of STO ServicesLimits the pool of investors, the cost of marketing is relatively expensive.Needs compliance with legal and financial regulations, thus, increasing costs.Listing on crypto exchanges is quite tedious due to not being popular as ICOs.Initial Coin Offering (ICO)A business opts for an ICO campaign when it needs to raise capital to support its project.
It allows organizations to gather investment quickly with their unique business concept.However, this quick investment gathering also contributes to the factor of making ICOs highly volatile.

We are a reliable security token offering development company enabling full or partial automated transfer of ownership, attract minimal administrative costs by eliminating intermediaries, and providing investors complete control over immovable assets with compliance to financial regulations.
The STO solutions provided by our blockchain team are highly secured, which augments legal fundraising activities.Oodles STO Development ServicesWe provide STO solutions as per ERC-20, 721, and ST-20 tokenization standards to empower investors by providing financial rights including dividends, equity, or buy-back.
Our blockchain experts are proficient at using technologies like EOS, Ethereum, and Stellar to deliver STO solutions.For more details and want to launch STO: Contact Us

ICOs and STOs are token-based fundraising methods where investors can invest in your crypto projects.Why ICO/STO?ICOs and STOs are token-based fundraising methods where investors can invest in your crypto projects.However, they are only investing in your project idea and getting tokens in return.Investors don’t get any ownership rights to your project or company.You’re the owner, you’ll remain the owner.What’s in it for the Investors?Your tokens are part of your project’s ecosystem.When people use your tokens for transactions within the platform, they generate liquidity.The tokens can them be listed on cryptocurrency exchanges and traded as digital assets.Remember how Bitcoin blew up?What’s an ICO/STO Dashboard?ICO/STO dashboard is a fully-featured control panel where you can manage your fundraising campaign.You get all the tools to create, manage, and market your fundraising campaigns.ICO Development are not easy to start from scratch, a dashboard makes this complicated process accessible.Do you need an ICO/STO Dashboard in 2021?-ICOs are a great way for crypto start-ups to raise money for their innovative projects.However, Token Creation, Marketing, Airdrops, Bonuses, and Campaign Management are not easy.Running an ICO/STO campaign requires a lot of technical know-how and effort.Something that new start-ups might find hard without investing a ton of resources.An ICO/STO Dashboard makes this process easier by providing various tools to run campaigns.Such a dashboard automates processes like Token Creation, Marketing, Airdrops, Bonuses, and Milestone-based Crowdsale.

BR Softech is the leading STO Development Company that offers STO development services such as Security Token Offering, Security Token development, Smart Contract development, White Paper Creation, Security Token exchange Development and wallet development etc.