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Photo: the Virus of Hog Cholera Attacked the Pig Farm in Medan

Berita Terkini
Photo: the Virus of Hog Cholera Attacked the Pig Farm in Medan

Cholera Virus - A few days later citizens of the Village of Paya Pasir, Medan Marelan complained of a foul odor.

The source of the pungent aroma that of hundreds of pig carcasses floating on a River Bederah.

In Kabupaten Dairi it is, the pork carcass is also radiating in the flow of the river village Karing, District Berampu.

Data from the Department of Food security and Farm North Sumatra recorded at least 4.682 dead pigs allegedly due to the outbreak of the virus of Hog Cholera and African Swine Fever (ASF) or African swine fever.

Currently, the vaccine for cholera of pigs is already available, but not for ASF.

Hog Cholera and ASF can be spread from infected pigs or pork meat fresh and processed infected.

Berita Terkini
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