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How to Fix Kernel-Power 41 Error on Windows 10?

Alex IT Expert
How to Fix Kernel-Power 41 Error on Windows 10?

Windows 10 is one of the most optimized operating systems Microsoft has to offer. Even though the OS works efficiently, it does face some issues from time to time. Such an issue is Kernel-Power Event ID 41. The issue can be triggered in several situations, but the most prominent one is during the system booting. In case you are facing the issue, then you have to read through the article for an effective fix. So, here are the steps to fix kernel power 41 error on Windows 10.

How to Fix Kernel-Power 41 Error on Windows 10?- Mcafee.com/activate

Update Audio Drivers and Remove Kernel-Power Event ID 41 Error

  • First of all, you have to the Windows key and right-click on it.
  • After that, click on the Device Manager.
  • You should enlarge the video, game controllers and sound.
  • Then select the Action button and choose the ‘Update Driver Software’ option.
  • You have to choose ‘Browse my computer for driver software.’
  • Now choose ‘High Definition Audio Device driver.’
  • You should click on the Next.
  • Later, click on, Yes.
  • Reboot the PC to finish up the process.

Turn Off Duplicate Device Drivers

If you want to turn off duplicate device drivers, then pursue the instructions given below.

  • Get started by going to the Windows key and right-click on it.
  • You should choose Device Manager.
  • Then enlarge the video, game controllers and sound section and find the duplicate entries.
  • When you a copy drive and right-click on it, choose Disable.
  • If your issue was not solved, then check every device for copy drivers and delete the duplicates.

Have a look

Change Power Settings

If you want to change power settings as an alternative to fixing the error, then you can follow the provided steps.

  • To get started, press the Win + S keys at once to launch Settings.
  • After that, you should choose Power Options.
  • Locate the new power plan.
  • You have to select the ‘Change plan settings’ option.
  • Then you should choose ‘Change advanced power settings’.
  • After that enlarge ‘Hard disk’ field and select ‘Turn off the hard disk’.
  • You should put it on Never or input 0.
  • Later, find the Sleep field and disable sleep timer.
  • Now, click on Apply a select OK to verify the changes.

Disable Fast Startup

If you want to turn off a fast startup, then pursue the instructions given below.

  • First, you have to press Win + S keys at once to launch Settings.
  • You should choose Power Options.
  • Now select ‘Choose what the power button does’.
  • After that, choose ‘Change Settings’ which are recently unavailable.
  • You have to find the ‘Shutdown settings.’
  • Untick ‘Turn on fast startup’ option.
  • Now, click on the Save modifications and restart the PC.

Uninstall Current Windows Update

If you want to uninstall current Windows update, then you can follow the provided steps.

  • First and foremost, you should click on Windows search box and enter Settings.
  • After that, you have to choose Update & Security.
  • You should choose ‘View installed updates history.’
  • Then go to the Uninstall updates.
  • Now, you have to restart the computer system.

Deactivate Auto-Restart

If you want to deactivate auto-restart, then pursue the instructions given below.

  • To begin with, go to the Advanced field.
  • After that, you should locate the option which says ‘Settings’ and then select it.
  • You have to unselect the mark that is next to the ‘Automatically restart’ box.
  • Now, you should verify the changes.

Source : https://mcafeeactivate.website/how-to-fix-kernel-power-41-error-on-windows-10/

Alex Smith is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cyber security. He writes about the latest updates regarding mcafee.com/activate and how it can improve the work experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs and websites.

Alex IT Expert
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