Gum or periodontal disease is an inflammation and infection of the gums that can progress to affect the bone that supports your teeth. The three stages of gum disease— are gingivitis (least severe), periodontitis, and advanced periodontitis (most severe).
This condition affects mainly adults and is usually caused by:
- Poor oral hygiene (irregular brushing, wrong brushing technique)
- Smoking and tobacco chewing, a pan chewing habit
- Chronic illnesses (like diabetes, patients undergoing cancer treatment)
- Certain medications
Gum diseases are mostly painless, so it is essential to be aware of the following symptoms:
- Swollen, red, or bleeding gums
- Gums that move away from the tooth (gum recession)
- Persistent bad/foul breath (halitosis)
- Loosening of teeth
- Occurrence of pus surrounding the teeth and gums
Lasers have revolutionized in multiple fields in medicine, and oral care also shows a promising future. Although laser periodontal therapy is still in its initial stage, it shows promising results for patients who are eligible for this therapy.
How Laser Therapy Works
In periodontal therapy, a dental laser is used to access and remove the inflamed gum tissue from the root surface of the tooth.
Laser treatment is a tissue-preserving, regenerative, and bone-building process. The dentist uses a laser to kill the infected tissue and bacteria in an infected pocket area. Once the infected tissue is removed, and the root is exposed, the calculus is removed with an ultrasonic root cleaner, and low-level laser energy is used to stimulate the stem cell to create a seal of tissues against the tooth root. Laser treatment stimulates stem cells in the muscles to form new connective tissues, bone, and collagen.
Risks and Benefits
There are plenty of advantages to using lasers for excising diseased gum tissue:
- No general anesthetic is needed can be completed under topical anesthesia or minor infill injections.
- Lasers target the areas precisely and accurately.
- There is limited bleeding, pain, and swelling, as periodontal laser therapy is minimally invasive.
- Shorter recovery period and no antibiotics are needed to post the treatment.
1. Limits bleeding
Lasers provide the benefit of removing the bacteria and also killing them, which helps to reduce bleeding and swelling of gums.
- Can be optimized for patients
Based on the degree of the problem, the wavelengths and power levels of the laser beam can be adjusted and allows the dentist to provide a dental treatment that is uniquely designed for individual patients.
3. Shorter healing time
Laser treatment causes little trauma to the gum, tooth, and surrounding areas leading to a shorter healing time as compared to traditional surgery. Patients recover quickly, and the process is much faster.
4. Minimally invasive
Lasers are less enveloping and eliminate the requirement for drills, which means there’s little or no need for anesthesia. Due to this, the patients will feel less anxious and relaxed during treatment.
5. Preserves healthy parts of the gums
Laser treatments are extremely precise; thus, the technology can be used to protect the healthy parts.
6. Minimizes risk of bacterial infection
Lasers help in sterilizing the area in focus and lower the risk of bacterial infections.
Nevertheless, there are certain risks to the use of laser in periodontal therapy. One of these is the inappropriate wavelength or power level use, which could cause further damage to the periodontal tissue; thus, it is recommended to get this therapy by trained doctors who have the knowledge of Lasers in the field of Dentistry.
Floss Dental is ranked as the best Dental Clinic in Noida, offering the best and most reasonable Gum surgery in Noida. Floss Dental has a team of best dentist in Noida, Delhi NCR.