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selenium training in bangalore

Seema Singh

Selenium Testing is a popular open-source web based automation tool. Selenium is a strong set of tools that supports quick development of test automation for web-based applications. Selenium furnishes a record playback tool for writing tests without acquisition a test scripting language. It as well as provides a test area specific language to write trials in a number of big programming languages, admitting Java, C#, PHP, Perl, Ruby and Python.

RIA institute provides Best Selenium Training Institute in Bangalore, Bangalore by experienced industry professionals and the Selenium Testing Training Institute in Bangalore is well equipped with advanced labs. Trainers working in Selenium Testing for more than 5 years are carefully chosen to conduct high quality Selenium Testing Training in Marathahalli, Bangalore so that the students can benefit from real time scenarios. Instructors offering Selenium Testing Training in Bangalore have practical knowledge as they implement their knowledge and expertise in day to day work.


Seema Singh
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