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Slowdown Depression: Paper Production At Rock Bottom, Book Business Sector Takes Successful

Archana Biswal
Slowdown Depression: Paper Production At Rock Bottom, Book Business Sector Takes Successful

Domestic paper production touched associate rock bottom of 6.9 million tonnes throughout 2018/19

Knowledge collated from CMIE shows that this can be the second successive year of double-digit fall within the paper output (-)11.5 % in 2017/18 and (-)31 % in 2018/19.

The quickly falling demand for paper is anticipated to stay weak because of the shift in consumption pattern from paper to digital technologies.

Consumption of all types of paper declined for the primary time in 2017/18 by 16.4% and stood at ten.9 million tonnes.

In 2019-20, CMIE comes the paper output to drop additional by 4.8 % to the touch a replacement record-low level of vi.6 million tonnes.

It expects the demand for company and packaging paper to still stay subdued in 2019/20.

Archana Biswal
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