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How to Delete POF of Account Permanently

Aniket Sinha
How to Delete POF of Account Permanently

Plenty of Fish also known as PoF is a Canada based online dating service website. You might have registered on it in wake of finding some love but maybe unsatisfied or want to try another app or site or may have found the love of your life and now want to end your search for ‘the one’ and are now wondering if you can delete your account and if yes then how? The process is fairly simple.

How to delete your Plenty of Fish account for good

Navigate to http://www.pof.com.
Log in to your Plenty of Fish account.
Click on the ‘Help’ button at the top of the screen.
There will be a list of options along the left-hand side of the screen, click ‘Remove profile’.
Click the link under the heading ‘To delete your POF profile’.
Fill in your username, password and your reason for leaving.
Your account will now be removed, including any paid subscriptions you may have.

How to Delete POF Account

If you just want a break from dating for a while, but think you want to come back to Plenty of Fish at a later date, hiding your profile is probably the best option.

Navigate to http://www.pof.com.
Log in to your Plenty of Fish account.
Click ‘Edit Profile’.
Click the link next to ‘To hide your profile from others, click here’.
Your profile will no longer appear in any suggestions or search results.
Complete the same steps when you’re ready to unhide your profile.

Aniket Sinha
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