Herbocare siddha treatment Siddha is the form of therapy based on five elements Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space. Generally, the basic concepts of the Siddha medicine are similar to Ayurveda. Both Siddha and Ayurveda recognize that disease is caused by the imbalance of the 3 humors.
The siddha medicine recognizes predominance of Vaadham, Pitham and Kabam in childhood, adulthood, and old age. Siddha treatment focused on body, mind, spirit & meta-functioning of all three resulting in longevity.
Diawin Siddha Hospital is one of the renowned health care centers providing Siddha medicines online at best prices with high quality Tamil medicines.
Order Siddha products online from our website from anywhere and get delivered on time.
We utilize the Siddha therapy of medicine to cure all diseases and disorders.
Siddha Vaithiyam Tamil is one of the ancient methods of treatment to cure various disorders which is used in ancient times.
To cure disease, healthy diet and proper lifestyle plays a very important role.
There must be a proper balance in the human body.
Ayurveda revolves around the concepts of tridoshas (3 humours), dhatus (body tissues), and malas (waste eliminated from the body).
When a patient undergoes these treatments, Yoga practices, and guided meditations, it promotes quick healing in the body.
These practices have to be inculcated in Dinacharya (daily routine) to keep the health intact and relieve stress from the mind.
Likewise, standing forward bends and heart-opening poses cools the pitta dosha.
These postures help in expelling the stagnant Kapha out of the body and helps in easy expulsion.DoshaBody TypePossible imbalancesYoga RecommendationsVataQuick, Creative, Spacey, Enjoys MovementDryness, Anxiety, Constipation, Pains & aches, InsomniaRegular, slow, warming postures.
In Ayurveda, Panchakarma (five purificatory therapies) is enumerated to keep the health intact, and Yoga prioritizes the procedures of Shat karma (six purificatory techniques).– The sciences have the almost same understanding of the physiology of the body.
Herbocare HospitalWe provide rejunvenation therapy in our inpatient facility for complete recuperation.
Dr. SR Naveenbalaji initially balances the Naadi (vatha, pitha, kapha) so that the patient’s chakras and meridians activated to get energy from the universe to the vital organs from the pancha bhoodhas, 5 elements (Water, earth air, fire, wood/sky).