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Capsule Endoscopy Market Size By Service, Share & Forecast 2019 – 2026

Geeta Desai
Capsule Endoscopy Market Size By Service, Share & Forecast 2019 – 2026

 The global capsule endoscopy market is expected to witness the high CAGR throughout the forecast period, 2019 – 2026. Increase in prevalence of small intestinal disorders and availability of treatment is more likely to propel the market growth in the estimated period. In addition, growth in geriatric population with color irritability and urine incontingency significantly contributes to the market demand.

Capsule endoscopy (CE) is a leading technique used by physician to monitor and record bowel movements wherein the patient swallows capsule endoscopes. Capsule endoscopy is also named as wireless capsule endoscopy, a mature yet non-invasive technology. Instances wherein the patients suffer from inflammatory bowel disease and gastrointestinal bleeding, a capsule endoscopy locates the source and determines the instant course of next action. Owing to the technological advances, CE has transformed the diagnostic approach for small-bowel irritations. Technically, the CE platform is comprised of a capsule, an external sensor worn by the patient with a recorder device to be carried on the shoulder in the light of recording period. Patients are then asked to swallow the capsule endoscopes with water.

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CE is known to have revealed significant investigation in the path of obscure gastrointestinal bleeding (OGIB), inflammatory bowel disease and crohn's. In a commercial perspective, the future prospects for capsule endoscopy stands fruitful since in the last few years, various applications have been developed. For instance, FDA approves of colon capsule for adults in cases of colorectal carcinoma. Esophageal capsule is used in the identification of esophageal varices. Both of the capsules have a forward and reverse facing cameras that result in enlarged view of the surface mucosa during data analysis. These capsules are subject to recommendation owing to success in clinical trials.

Read More @ https://www.marketwatch.com/press-release/capsule-endoscopy-market-insights-opportunity-analysis-forecast-2019---2026-2019-12-02

Geeta Desai
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