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The Electric Scooter Revolution In India

Yukie Motors
The Electric Scooter Revolution In India

With some of India’s biggest automobile manufacturers venturing into electric vehicles sector, electric scooters are gradually going mainstream. Backed by the Govt’s ‘Make in India’ initiative, many local start-ups are adding to the influx.

The govt has set a target of taking electric vehicles production up to 30% if new cars & 2-wheelers by 2030. The segment holds massive scope since middle & lower-earning groups are usually struck by the increase in fuel costs, and therefore are most expected to make switch from petrol run vehicles to electric vehicles.

The scope of electric vehicles in India:

With annual domestic sales exceeding nineteen million in the financial year concluded March 31, 2018, India rules as the globe’s biggest market for scooter & motorcycles. Even as the majority of car manufacturers resist bringing electric automobiles to India, the sales of electric scooters are projected to surpass 2 million a year by 2030. Though electric scooters presently make up a fraction of the total, the market is growing fast. Reports from the SMEV (Society of Manufacturers of Electric Vehicles) reveals that in financial year of 2017-18, sales of electric scooter and bikes from a year back doubled, whereas electric automobile sales dropped to 1,200 from 2,000 during the same time period.

Electric scooters are certainly leading the e-revolution in India, since the obstacles for scooters are lesser. They’re lighter in comparison to other vehicles, meaning they can use less energy and cheaper batteries. The scooter can also be charged quickly using the existing plug points in your home. Also the cost tag of these scooters are far more affordable than the petrol-driven models.

If you are searching on the web for top 5 electric scooters in India, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with YUKIE Motors. Our motto is bringing you a reason to smile via our eco-friendly and affordable electric scooters. Visit us now to check out our latest electric scooter models!

Yukie Motors
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